Posts Tagged "success coach"

Supercharge Your Income with an Outrageous Goal

Posted by on Jul 3, 2015 | Comments Off on Supercharge Your Income with an Outrageous Goal

Supercharge Your Income with an Outrageous Goal

How many of you would love to make more money so you could really save, invest and enjoy life? So you can live any way you choose and not settle for less. Did you know that only 31% of the population set financial goals in 2014 (US News) and 99% of those not setting money goals don’t do so because thinking about money is painful to them? According to that same article “about half of those who made a money resolution last year said they are now “better off financially,” compared to just 38 percent of those who didn’t set one.” Based on a Harvard study conducted on...

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How to ‘Happify’ your Thoughts

Posted by on Jul 2, 2015 | Comments Off on How to ‘Happify’ your Thoughts

How to ‘Happify’ your Thoughts

Language has a lot of influence over your physical and emotional life. Whether or not you are aware of how much drama is in your life, if you struggle with making and having money, believe me, money drama is present. Spoken words and thoughts are energy. Each word and thought vibrates at a certain frequency that resonates out into the world and attracts back to you what you put out. If you are saying a lot of negative things, the universe will return a lot of negativity into your reality because of the energetic attraction it causes. Wants create more wants, gratitude creates more of what...

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