Posts Tagged "millennial"

Millennials Are Healers for Humanity and the Planet

Posted by on Aug 15, 2016 | Comments Off on Millennials Are Healers for Humanity and the Planet

Millennials Are Healers for Humanity and the Planet

Millennials Are Healers for Humanity and the Planet I was walking on Boswick Island on the Canadian side of the 1000 Islands when an unfamiliar feather caught my eye. The feather turned out to be from a turkey vulture. Being someone who is influenced by nature, I wondered what message this feather was to relay to me. I googled turkey vulture and was amazed at what I discovered and how it related to my work with Millennials. I had no idea vultures were such amazing birds and so supportive of each other and the environment. I have a great affection for Millennials and for birds, so finding...

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3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

Posted by on Jan 25, 2016 | Comments Off on 3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

Hope Brookins, millennial entrepreneur and thought leader in event based social media and PR, shares personal branding advice for Millennials. Learn the 3 social media branding Do’s and Don’ts and find out why every Millennial should have their own business even if it is just a ‘side hustle.’ Hear how Hope’s perspective changed when she and her family built their home with their own hands. From dragging water from the neighbors pond to mixing the home’s foundation, the unusual decision to build their own home was empowering for the whole family (Stay tuned...

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6 (must do) Steps To Manifest Your Desires

Posted by on Jan 10, 2015 | Comments Off on 6 (must do) Steps To Manifest Your Desires

6 (must do) Steps To Manifest Your Desires

STEP 1: Decide what you truly desire. A partner, a job you love, more money, a trip, new friends, a new home, tickets to a concert, a mentor, clients…..etc.If it is a big desire, it has to be something that you really want, so you will keep going till you get it. The desire to have it accomplished is very important. If you don’t have the desire you won’t accomplish it. So make sure it is a desire you really really want!Write down a list of things you want and rate each 1-10 how much you desire it, 10 being it is very true you want that and are willing to do what it takes to get it. STEP 2:...

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