Welcome Packet

Welcome Packet

Everyone has a story. Success coaching with Marilyn O’Malley is a place for you

to bring your story to be heard, honored and acknowledged. I am

committed to helping you further develop your life to be one that you value,

cherish and own with pride.

I’m excited that you’ve decided to forever change your disempowering relationship with

yourself and embody your feminine power and live the life you were born to live.

I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to create something new and beautiful for

yourself in the world. If that means achieving freedom to have, be or do whatever

you desire, that’s what receiving coaching is all about…

No powerful story is free of challenges. I expect your story to include battles

and victories. Since it’s time for a change in your life, and it’s time to break

through the unnecessary burdens, to overcome the obstacles that entangle

you and keep you from living your purpose, I welcome you to life coaching.

I am here to assist you in the success process so that you will thrive in life and

ultimately experience joy in the way it is meant for you.

By combining personal development with spiritual growth, you can

make your life worthy of a legend.

I am honored to journey with you and anticipate a glorious experience in

the continuation of your Story.

To aid our process, please complete the information on your royal heritage.

Much love,

Marilyn O’Malley

The Basics


Cell Phone: Home







City: State: Zip Code:

Age: Date of


Relationship Status:



Current Family

Name                                                                                           Age                                                                 Relation to You





Family of Origin

Name                                                                                          Age                                                                   Relation to You







Your Goals – A First Look

What are the reasons you enrolled in this program? Why is this program perfect for you? Be specific.






What is the desired outcome of your participation in this program (your goals)? Be Specific.






What has kept you from accomplishing these goals in the past? Be Specific.





How committed are you to achieving and completing your stated goals? Be Specific.





What are you willing to change about yourself to accomplish your goals? Be Specific.






What is going to be the most difficult part or the biggest obstacle to success for you? Be Specific.







Tell me about your past history (anything relevant you would like me to know). What personal growth work have you already done on yourself? Be Specific.













What are YOUR strengths and weaknesses? Be Specific.







If you could change three things in your life or business, what would they be?







Getting Down to Business

What is your current profession? If you are currently in business, tell me about it. Describe in detail.






What kind of business do you want to develop? Be Specific.






Do you want to develop products or services (or both)? Describe them.







What are the strengths and weaknesses of YOUR BUSINESS (or, business idea)? Be Specific.






In terms of being organized and having a clear physical space for your business, how on top of that are you?
Do you have a maintainable filing system?





What do you need most from this program? Be Specific.








What, specifically, do you want from me as your life coach?








What return on investment are you committed to creating for yourself, and by when? (All investments have a positive return if they are true investments.

What profit amount do you need to make in order for this to be a “good investment” for you?)

What are your desires in terms of masculine and feminine energy balance?

How masculine are you? How feminine are you?

How do you feel about becoming more feminine, and what resistance do you have about becoming more feminine?

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